VELMA ESG Certified Software Partners GRI for ESG reporting

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Lidia Grzegorczyk

VELMA ESG success


I am proud to announce that our ESG reporting platform has received the international Certified Software Partners certification for the VELMA ESG tool for the preparation of ESG reports in accordance with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative). GRI is an international benchmark for corporate responsibility and sustainability reporting for companies. The purpose of the GRI Reporting Framework is to create a generally accepted framework for reporting economic, environmental and social aspects of the organization’s functioning; framework designed for use by organizations of all sizes, sectors and locations. The GRI guidelines are included in the CSRD Directive, which concerns sustainability reporting (non-financial reporting, ESG).


What does this mean for entrepreneurs around the world?


We are the first certified IT platform in Poland for the preparation of ESG reports in accordance with the international GRI 2021 guidelines. When preparing an ESG report on our platform, you can be sure that the report will be prepared in accordance with the guidelines audited by the GRI organization. You can count the GRI-certified GHG Protocol (scope 1, 2 and 3) greenhouse gas emission factors. You can use the preparation of any indicators from groups, e.g.


GRI Topic specific standards –Economic

GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016

GRI 202: Market Presence 2016


GRI Topic Specific Standards -Environmental

GRI 301: Materials 2016

GRI 302: Energy 2016

GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018

GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016

GRI 305: Emissions 2016

GRI 306: Waste 2020

GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016


GRI Topic Specific Standards –Social

GRI 401: Employment 2016


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